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The Grates Go Out In Style

Out of 2007 that is. Cause they'll be back next year better than ever. To a sold out house that still seemed less than full [what happens perhaps when you give so many tickets to industry types] they ran through their hits and debuted 6 new tracks.

The new songs are recognizably Grate but different. Some are a little more complex in structure and John and Alana certainly work for their money. Pae is up to it and as a result the new stuff got almost as many cheers as the Gravity material.

I say almost cause there is nothing like the tingle you get down your spine when the intro to 19/20/20 rings out or Pae tells us "Some Motherfuckers think they're born to dance" [personally my favourite Grates song if not just favourite song period]

Highlight was Pae in sweaty red silk? dress launching onto the crowd and surfing about 15 feet before a perfect backflip to the floor thus ending the show.

Other bands appeared of course. Yves Klein Blue did a good job warming up the crowd. Quite a few fans there who enjoyed their work.

Whitely I haven't seen before and was impressed though his band is a little quiet and the room was quite loud at times and it was difficult to follow his quieter stuff. Nice solo version of Bjork's Hyperballad.

Dr Dog from the US I wasn't so impressed with unfortunately. Fairly standard US style rock with some blues influences. They are quite competent and I liked their vocals and harmonies but it's not my thing.

So not so much a Xmas party as a celebration of a big year for a wonderful band.

The Grates - Live @ The Zoo - 11 Dec 2007

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